First CCHS Center

Current CCHS Center
The Cooper County Historical Society is a nonprofit 501© (3) organization, founded in 1990, with a focus on collecting and preserving documents, records, historical books and other historical information on Cooper County. We have a free research library, manned by volunteers, to assist the public in finding the information that they are seeking. We also provide four historically related programs to the public each year at no charge. Check out "Events" tab.
Visit us on Cooper County Historical Society | Pilot Grove MO | Facebook for upcoming programs or you can click on the EVENTS tab.
We are funded by the proceeds of membership dues, garage sales, donations and memorials.
Cooper County Historical Society Board of Directors:
Vice President Vicki McCarrell
Secretary Marla Stretz
Treasurer Jenny Alpers
Newsletter Ray Owens
Joyce Bryan
Carolyn Aggeler
Bob Painter
Annick Streck
Ann Fray
Fundraiser chairperson: Pam Shipman
Immediate Past President Barbara Dahl
Web Developers:
Lisa Moody
Laci Scott
Contact Information:
Cooper County Historical Society (CCHS)
111 Roe Street
Pilot Grove, MO
May through September
Friday--9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 1:00-3:00
or by email appointment
E-mail: cchs2016@iland.net
Find us on Facebook
Become a Member
Yearly Dues
One person $15
Family $25
Student $7
Article by: Jeanette Heaton
In 1990, a few people started talking about the need for a countywide historical society. Winky Friedrichs invited a small group to her home to discuss organizing a society. It was decided to meet on September 10, 1990 in the New Lebanon 1860 church and invite everyone that might be interested. Over 50 people attended the meeting. Mr. Harold Jones served as moderator and Jeanette Heaton welcomed the group and gave a brief history of New Lebanon. Mr. Woody Fleck, from the South Howard County Historical Society, gave advice and suggestions on starting a historical society. Mary Ann Kempf spoke of her interest in recording cemeteries. Ann Betteridge indicated that she was working on a historical workbook for school children to teach them about Cooper County history. Winky Friedriches expressed her hope to see the new society promote tourism in Cooper County and be a part of the county-wide celebration of Cooper County’s 175th anniversary in 1993.
All those who attended the meeting were enthusiastic about organizing, so officers were elected and dues set. By the end of that year we had 75 members, and after a few years the membership reached 150.
I was honored to be elected President, and needless to say, I had my work cut out for me. Many forms had to be filled out to become a non-profit organization as well as getting the state tax exemption status. We set up bylaws and committees and all the other things that go along with organizing the historical society.
One of our wisest decisions was to have the monthly meetings in churches or historical buildings throughout Cooper County. I served as President of CCHS off and on for 12 years and will always be proud of the accomplishments that our society achieved.
The Cooper County Historical Society and the New Lebanon Preservation Society sponsored yearly festivals and programs for the general public from 1990 to 2019.
Thank you for visiting our website. If you have any comments, suggestions, clarifications, improvements or other "Cooper County Treasures" for us to research and add to our content, please email us at: cchs2016@iland.net